Using design, color, and the emotions I feel while viewing inspirational landscapes, I convey artistic expressions to create a sense of enjoyment and sharing. Landscape is one of our greatest treasures! It brings me joy every day. I love to notice the geometric designs in plant life as well as color variations and how light changes color. I like how all the elements of a landscape interact together. Seemingly simple scenes become complex upon closer scrutiny. In landscapes, geometric patterns appear on a smaller and smaller scale the closer you look. Nature's elegant design evokes reverence. Landscapes can be viewed in multiple ways. It is mysterious how people see different things in the same scene. Design elements, I believe, are what make a painting satisfying to look at. These same design elements are found in nature. For me, painting a landscape is about expressing directly what inspires you and how it makes you feel. These feelings can be expressed through painting in a way that speech cannot.

A Shared Trail

$0.00   18 x -24 x 1

Stepping Away for Fresh Air

$0.00   10 x 10 x 1.5